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Ki Enhancement (3.5e Invocation)

73 bytes added, 13:59, 16 November 2017
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Alternatively he can spend 4 ki points per class level as a swift action to gain 5 temporary hit points that last until used or until the end of the current encounter. For every 8 ki points spent he can gain 5 temporary hit points as an immediate action.
For example, Toma a 10th level Saiyan Warrior could spend up to 20 ki points on this ability. Toma has a 16 Strength and a 14 Constitution. He chooses to spend 10 ki on Strength for a +5 Strength bonus, 2 ki on Constitution for a +1 bonus and 8 ki for 10 temporary hit points. His bonus bonuses on Strength and Constitution would last for 3 rounds (equal to his new Constitution modifier), which would be this round and then the next 2 rounds, and ending after the final characters turn in the inniative sequence in the 3rd and final round. The temporary hit points would last until used or expire at the end of the encounter.

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