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Twitchy (3.5e Trait)

763 bytes added, 03:48, 20 December 2017
Created page with "~~~~{{Author |author_name=AasimarNinja |date_created= December 19th 2017 |status=Work In Progress (WIP) }} <onlyinclude>{{3.5e Trait |name=Twitchy |summary=You have quicker r..."
[[User:AasimarNinja|AasimarNinja]] ([[User talk:AasimarNinja|talk]]) 20:48, 19 December 2017 (MST){{Author
|date_created= December 19th 2017
|status=Work In Progress (WIP)

<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Trait
|summary=You have quicker reflexes than the average person, but at the cost of a bit of your fortitude.
|benefit=You gain a +1 bonus on Reflex saves.
|drawback=You take a -1 penalty on Fortitude saves.
|roleplayingideas=Characters with this trait flinch, duck or jerk when others make unexpected moves nearby, or perhaps they seek out physical challenges, eager to put their fast reflexes to the test.

{{3.5e Traits Breadcrumb}}


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