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Perfect Counter (3.5e Maneuver)

6 bytes added, 08:00, 29 December 2017
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|text=You may activate this maneuver whenever you are subject to a spell, spell-like ability, supernatural ability, etc, either as its target, one of its several targets, being inside its area of effect, or any othersuch condition that would cause a supernatural effect to impact you in any direct way. You immediately end its effects, and then you cast the spell yourself, using the original caster's level and modifiers in place of your own, be they better or worse. As its new caster, you choose its trajectory, targets, or any other meaningful conditions a caster would decide normally. You may choose to be exempt from conditions that would impact you, instead subjecting the original caster/initiator/etc to them. Any costs the original caster paid are already paid for your casting as well.
If the original caster is of a level one below yours or higher, you must roll an opposed modified level check against them (they add their class' primary mental modifier, you add your wisdomintelligence). You are still immune to the spell if you fail, but cannot end or re-cast it.

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