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User:Spanambula/Elegy (3.5e Campaign Setting)/History

341 bytes added, 08:39, 31 January 2018
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The Cosmos At first, all was whiteness and light, unbroken and pure. Then One came to the light, or was createdborn from the light, no one can say for certain. Different religions attribute creation The One spoke to the light, and the light spoke back to different sourcesthe One. Some say it was From the light the One created instantlythe cosmos, some say it an unfathomable expanse of matter and energy, untamed, wild, and full of potential. The One took eight daysaspects of the cosmos and breathed power & life into them. Some heretics even whisper dark secrets that there These aspects were no divine Primals, the First among created beings at all involved in . The One tasked the Primals with creating the processcosmos as they saw fit, according to their natures. The Primals, after much experimentation and that things just happened out deliberation, divided the world into a series of interconnected planes, a harmonious Great Lattice of 144,000 facets of primordial chaosexistence. NaturallyCreation sang, and all was good and pure as each facet was carefully cultivated, these madmen are found developed and put to crafted. The laws that govern the swordphysical universe were slowly written into being.
The most reliable sources tell It is not known for how long this period lasted, for time itself was a story that in construct of the beginning, all was whiteness and lightPrimals. Regardless, unbroken and pure. Then eventually one came of the Primals noticed that their creations were beginning to the lightbreak down over time. Confused, they observed, and spoke to the lightmade corrections, and the light spoke back to the One. From the light the One created the world. The world was one place and all placesobserved once more. The One took aspects of the world and breathed power into them, forming the Other Primals, the First among created beingsbegan experiencing similar incidents. The One tasked the Primals with creating the cosmos as Finally they saw fit. The Primals divided sought to bring the world into planes and created all manner of life matter to fill the places they had createdOne's attention.
After a time, one of the Primals noticed that their creations were beginning to break down over time. Confused, they sought to bring the matter to the One's attention. The One, to their astonishment, not only confirmed their findings but revealed itself to be the author of this newest facet of existence, the 144,001st facet. The One named this last creation Entropy, and instructed the Primals to do with Entropy as they saw fit. The Primals despaired, for in the newly created facet they saw the death of all creation, themselves included, bound up in and written into the heart destiny of this new thingEntropy. They cried out, imploring the One to remove Entropy from the worlds they had labored for so long to create.  The One refused, and made ready to withdraw from creation entirely. The Primal's dismay turned to outright horror, and they begged The One to remain, but to no avail. The One spoke one final mystery to its creations: "When you understand why I have done this yet are not bound by it, then you will be ready to follow where I have gone,." was the final mystery of The One to the Primals.
The Primals could not come to agree on how best to handle this new Entropy. Some fought its influence and created planes built reshaped facets, strengthening them in order to withstand its the effectsof Entropy. These were realms of peace, order, and near-immortality. Others believed the intent of The One was to embrace Entropy and gave themselves over to it. Their creations were full of filled with death and , ruin and chaos. Others Most Primals, however, believed that there needed to be balance, and built realms where entropy became a part of a larger cycle of enthalpy and entropy, creation and destruction, life and death. This final group's creations became the standard model of planar construction, and most of the Primals eventually began reshaping their created worlds most of the Great Lattice to match.
A few Primals remained adamant in their devotion to their extreme views of either rejecting Entropy or embracing it. These Primals were known as the Defiant. While the Primals were forbidden to war amongst among themselves, there was considerable strife between the Primals and the Defiant. Eventually the groups arranged their worlds the Great Lattice so that there was as much separation as possible between the realms of the Order and Chaos and the rest of creation, referred to as the Realms of Balance.
After a time, the Primals grew well-satisfied with their creations, and decided to do as their creator had done and fashion beings in their own likeness who would be caretakers of creation. And so The Primals fashioned their children, who were known to us as the gods. The birth of the gods began the second Age of Creation.

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