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Epic Rapid Spellcasting (3.5e Feat)

12 bytes added, 19:55, 23 February 2018
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<big>'''Epic Rapid Spellcasting [ [[Type::Spellcasting|[[Spellcasting (3.5e Feat Type)|Spellcasting]]]] ]'''</big><br>
''[[Summary::You can cast your spells faster, without metamagic feats.]]''<br>
'''Prerequisites:''' [[Prerequisite::NoneCaster level 21.]]<br>
'''Benefits:''' This is a spellcasting feat that scales with your Caster Level. After taking this feat, you cannot cast your spells faster with metamagic feats.
*'''CL21:''' You can cast your spells one level faster then before. If it was days, now it hours, hours to minutes, minutes to rounds, rounds to standard action. You cannot cast your spells faster then that without Quicken Spell metamagic feat.

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