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Dungeons and Dragons Wiki:About

819 bytes added, 21:47, 13 April 2018
This is a place for finding publications and OGL material: updated format to be more edition neutral
=== This is a place for finding publications and OGL material ===
The [[Publication:Main|Publication]] section aims to provide a complete list We host copies of all the official material published for D&D 5th edition, D&D 4th edition, and the games we support, from its inception up through todayD&D 3. Where reprinting is allowed by 5 edition available under the OGL license, the publication section may also contain Open Game License material . These have been made available for you to incorporate into your games. All users are welcome to contribute to this section reproduction by adding publication articles or adding open game, or similarly licensed, content to Wizards of the publication's subpagesCoast.
We also host * '''5th edition [[SRD5|System Reference Document]]''': For 5th edition, SRD includes the a copy portion of the Player's Handbook, the Dungeon Master's Guide, and the Monster Manual. Certain basic rules such as character creation are missing, as these are not Open Game Content and so could not be included. The content that is included is the equivalent of the Basic Rules distributed with the Starter Set. You don't get the included adventure or minis, but it's all you need to give it a try. * '''4th edition [[4e_Index_(4e_Other)|Index]]''': For 4th edition, we are largely limited to reproducing the 4th edition [[4e_Index_(4e_Other)|index]]. It will help you look up rules and references, but not much else.* '''3.5 edition [[SRD:System Reference Document|System Reference Document]]''': the For 3.5 edition D&D made available for reproduction by Wizards , the SRD includes the vast majorities of the CoastPlayer's Handbook, the Dungeon Master's Guide, and the Monster Manual. The SRD also includes a large portion of the [[Publication:Unearthed Arcana|Unearthed Arcana]] rulebook, but this which has been placed with the other publications instead of rolled into the SRD. Certain As with the 5th edition SRD, the 3.5 edition SRD excludes certain parts of the basic rules of the game are missing such as experience tables, character wealth, and a few monsters. These parts are not Open Game Content, so we can't include them.
We also host a copy of Beyond this core material, the [[SRD5Publication:Main|System Reference DocumentPublication]] section aims to provide a complete list of all the material published for 5th edition rulesthe games we support - from its inception up through today. AgainWhere reprinting is allowed by the license, certain basic rules such as character creation the publication section may also contain Open Game License material for you to incorporate into your games. All users are missingwelcome to contribute to this section by adding publication articles or adding open game, as these are not Open Game Contentor similarly licensed, and so could not be includedcontent to the publication's subpages.
Hosting allowed content like this allows you a chance to play with some of the material in these books even if you don't own them. We recommend that you purchase them if you really enjoy the material of course, since that's how the creators are able to afford to make more, but we understand that sometimes it's nice just to be able to use see material from out of print or difficult to acquire books.
=== This is a place for your game-specific information ===

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