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Neria, Siren (3.5e Bloodline)

6,589 bytes added, 18:44, 21 October 2018
Created page with "{{author |author_name=Leziad |date_created=21st October 2018 |status=Finished }} Summary::Just as giants exist on land, there are giants of the sea as well. The neria are t..."
|date_created=21st October 2018

[[Summary::Just as giants exist on land, there are giants of the sea as well. The neria are the giants of mer-kind, and siren neria being one of the most well known ones for resembling mermaids with slightly elfish ears and being one of the most common types seen by the surface. They are also the most likely the sire with the creature of the land.]] Those with Siren Neria blood tend to be overwhelmingly female, be of great height and possess an affinity or even an obsession with the sea and oceans.

Those with this bloodline usually hang around the sea and beaches of the world, become sailor or simply live by seaside for their entire lives, most not knowing that the blood that flow in their vein come from under the waves. Those with minor bloodline only show moderate increase in height and usually possess an incredible singing voice while those with a major bloodline are unusually tall for their specie but possess great strength and charm.

{| class="zebra d20" style="text-align: left;"
|+ {{Anchor|Table: Siren Neria Bloodline Traits}}
|- style="text-align: center;"
! rowspan="2" | Character<br/>Level || colspan="3" | Trait Gained
|- style="text-align: center;"
! Minor || Intermediate || Major
| class="right" | 1st || — || — || +2 [[SRD:Perform Skill|Perform]] (Singing)
| class="right" | 2nd || — || +2 [[SRD:Perform Skill|Perform]] (Singing) || [[#Powerful Build|Powerful Build]]
| class="right" | 3rd || — || — || +1 [[Charisma]]
| class="right" | 4th || +2 [[SRD:Perform Skill|Perform]] (Singing) || [[#Powerful Build|Powerful Build]] || [[#Water Breathing|Water Breathing]]
| class="right" | 5th || — || — || [[#Neria Affinity|Neria Affinity]] +2
| class="right" | 6th || — || +1 [[Charisma]] || [[#Enthralling Note|Enthralling Note]]
| class="right" | 7th || — || — || +2 [[SRD:Swim Skill|Swim]]
| class="right" | 8th || [[#Powerful Build|Powerful Build]] || [[#Water Breathing|Water Breathing]] || [[#Siren Form|Siren Form]]
| class="right" | 9th || — || — || +1 [[Strength]]
| class="right" | 10th || — || [[#Neria Affinity|Neria Affinity]] +2 || [[#True Siren Form|True Siren Form]]
| class="right" | 11th || — || — || [[#Neria Affinity|Neria Affinity]] +4
| class="right" | 12th || +1 [[Charisma]] || [[#Enthralling Note|Enthralling Note]] || [[#Neria Transformation|Neria Transformation]]
| class="right" | 13th || — || — || +2 [[SRD:Diplomacy Skill|Diplomacy]]
| class="right" | 14th || — || +2 [[SRD:Swim Skill|Swim]] || [[#Capsize|Capsize]]
| class="right" | 15th || — || — || +1 [[Constitution]]
| class="right" | 16th || [[#Water Breathing|Water Breathing]] || [[#Siren Form|Siren Form]] || [[#Tsunami|Tsunami]]
| class="right" | 17th || — || — || [[#Neria Affinity|Neria Affinity]] +6
| class="right" | 18th || — || +1 [[Strength]] || [[#Great Neria Transformation|Great Neria Transformation]]
| class="right" | 19th || — || — || [[SRD:Intimidate Skill|Intimidate]] +2
| class="right" | 20th || [[#Neria Affinity|Neria Affinity]] +2 || [[#True Siren Form|True Siren Form]] || [[#Rhapsode|Rhapsode ]]

'''{{Anchor|<!-- Bloodline source or relations --> Affinity}}:''' You gain the indicated bonus on all [[SRD:Bluff Skill|Bluff]], [[SRD:Diplomacy Skill|Diplomacy]], [[SRD:Gather Information Skill|Gather Information]], [[SRD:Intimidate Skill|Intimidate]], and [[SRD:Perform Skill|Perform]] checks made to interact with <!-- Bloodline source or relations -->.

'''{{Anchor|Powerful Build}} {{Ex}}:''' As the [[SRD:Half-Giants (Race)|Half-Giant]] ability.

'''{{Anchor|Water Breathing}} {{Ex}}:''' You are able to breath water as well as air.

'''{{Anchor|Enthralling Note}} {{Su}}:''' As a standard action, you may force all creature within 20 feet of you to make a [[Will]] save or become [[SRD:Fascinated|fascinated]] by you for 1 round. This is a [Sonic]-effect.

'''{{Anchor|Siren Form}} {{Su}}:''' As a full-round action while submerged in water you may assume a [[Merform (3.5e Spell)|''merform'']] as the spell, this last for up to 1 hour per level per, uses need not be consecutive. You may turn back into your normal form as a free action or automatically by moving over land.

'''{{Anchor|True Siren Form}}:''' There is no longer any time limit on your Siren Form ability and become an extraordinary ability.

'''{{Anchor|Neria Transformation}}:''' While assuming your [[Merform (3.5e Spell)|''merform'']] from Siren Form your size increas eto large with all normal penalty and benegfit of doing so. While in this form your gain a slam attack with your tail, which deal 3d6 + twice your [[Strength]] modifier in damage (for a large creature).

'''{{Anchor|Capsize}} {{Ex}}:''' You can topple ships up to one size larger than them, causing the ship to sway and possibly tip over. You must make a touch attack at the end of a charge against a seafaring vehicle, and then make a special strength check (1d20 + BAB + [[Strength]]) opposed by the Profession (Sailor) check of the vehicle (+ or -4 for each size larger or smaller than Huge). If successful, the ship rocks violently dealing half your slam damage to all creatures in the vehicle and forcing balance against falling prone and concentration checks equal to the result for creatures on the ship. If you beat the opposed roll by 10 or more, the ship capsizes completely and turns upside down. A capsized ship is completely disabled, and while air trapped under the ship can keep it afloat for a few days or weeks, it is almost impossible to turn right side up. Eventually, capsized ships will sink and slip under the waves.

'''{{Anchor|Tsunami}}:''' As a full-round action you may attempt to capsize every ship in the path of your charge, requiring a touch attack against each ship separately. The water within 100 feet of any point of you path is treated as Stormy water and the DC to [[SRD:Swim Skill|Swim]] in it increase by twice your [[Strength]] modifier.

'''{{Anchor|Great Neria Transformation}}:''' When you assume your merform you now become huge instead of large, with all the changes that normally bring.

'''{{Anchor|Rhapsode}}:''' You gain the ability to cast spell as a 4th level [[SRD:Bard|Bard]], if you already possessed [[SRD:Bard|Bard]] spellcasting it count as 4 higher to a maximum of your character level.

{{3.5e Bloodlines Breadcrumb}}
[[Category:Character Option]]

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