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Vampiric Dragon (3.5e Template)

39 bytes added, 08:28, 30 October 2018
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== Vampiric Dragon ==
[[Summary::Vampirism is generally a curse associated with humanity, so what dire events could lead to vampirism infecting the blood of dragons?]] The vampiric curse works differently on these great scaled beasts than most, and the result is no less terrifying. Common vampires are not sufficient to bring dragon blood to vampirism, so it is believed to be the result of some unknown ritual or curse. When the curse takes hold the dragon faces an internal stuggle to keep its ego, and by embracing the monster they ascend to vampirism. Those who fail [[Vampiric Dragonspawn (3.5e Monster)‎|become something else, craven and lowly]].
Vampiric dragons resemble paler versions of their original kin, often gaunt and with blood red and striking eyes. Their fangs have extended even longer, but unlike many vampircs blood is more of a desire than a need. Indeed their hunger for blood is no different than their hunger for gold and they show no ill effect if starved for vital fluids. This is perhaps a blessing for the amount of blood that would be needed to feed such a massive creature would be terrible indeed. Any blood will suffice, but blood from sapient beings is the most sweet. The creature devoured is often killed as the finesse of biting a neck is not often available to things smaller than it. Instead victims are crushed, ground, and squeezed of blood if not simply eaten whole.

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