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Elastic Wonder (3.5e Prestige Class)

4 bytes added, 19:56, 16 December 2018
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|special5=[[#Blunt Trauma Resistant|Blunt Trauma Resistant]], [[#Elastic Reach|Elastic Reach]] (10'), [[#Seal Over Plastic|Seal Over Plastic]], [[#Variable Form|Variable Form]] (Object) {{!!}} +1 class level
|skills=Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Control Shape, Craft, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen,Move Silently, Perform, Profession, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Speak Language, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble}}
====Class Features====
'''{{Anchor|Body of Plastic}} {{Ex}}:''' A 1st level elastic wonder's body become very plastic like, her skin do not tear easily, her bone bone flexible and lightweight and her muscles harden considerably upon impact. A elastic wonder always count as wearing heavy [[Dilatantoplastic (3.5e Equipment)|dilatantoplastic]] heavy armor when beneficial (so their movement speed is not negatively impacted, nor do they receive arcane spell failure or armor check penalties) and their unarmed attack and natural attack always count as being made of [[Dilatantoplastic (3.5e Equipment)|dilatantoplastic]].
The elastic wonder weight is forevermore halved because her body is now extremely lightweight and she gain gains [[Hinder Energy (3.5e Creature Ability)|energy hindrance]] to acid as well as resistance 10 to cold and electricity. At character level 10th she become immune to acid and gain [[Hinder Energy (3.5e Creature Ability)|energy hindrance]] to cold and electricity.
'''{{Anchor|Elastic}} {{Ex}}:''' A elastic wonder's body is very very flexible, she gain gains a +4 bonus on [[SRD:Escape Artist Skill|escape artist]] check per class level and +1 for levels in other classes. She is also very resistant to blunt trauma, lowering bludgeoning damages by 5 (to a minimum of half the original damage) before damage reduction per class level. At 5th level you may attempt epic escape artist check without being epic level.
'''{{Anchor|Stretch}} {{Ex}}:''' The iconic ability of the elastic wonder is their ability to stretch, enlarge and shrink body parts at will. At 1st level they start being able to stretch their hands, legs, fingers, and neck. Note that stretching while armored is impossible and tend to tear clothes, they take their armor's armor check penalty as a penalty to 'class level' to determine the effect of their stretching (by example a 4th level elastic wonder with and ACP of 2 would count as a 2nd elastic wonder for the purpose of how far she can stretch her arm). Magical clothes do not tear and the ACP penalty of magical armor is halved (although only for the purpose of interacting with stretch). An elastic wonder can stretch one body part (as listed below) as a move action, they can return one or all body parts to normal size as a an immediate or move action.
Body parts can stretched at a maximum of 5' per class level plus an additional 5' per two level in another class or racial hit dice. So a fighter 2/elastic wonder 4 could stretch her limbs up to 25'.
''Hands'': An elastic wonder can suddenly enlarge her hands/fist to be much bigger than normal, her unarmed attack and natural attack count as if they were one size larger. This ability stack with variable size. Unlike other stretch ability this is activated as part of an attack and the hands return to normal automatically.
''Legs:'' An elastic wonder is capable of stretching her legs, this allow her to reach greater height easily but does not change her size. While stretching her leg she occupy an additional square on top of her per 5' she stretched her legs, however her threatening range and line of sight is only calculated from the topmost square, as a result if she stretch herself too much she will become unable to threaten creatures at her feet.
''Fingers:'' An elastic wonder is capable of stretching' per class level, this both creepy and almost mechanically useless. It does allow her to press buttons form afar or poke someone from a hidden position for all good it does.
'''{{Anchor|Variable Size}} {{Ex}}:''' A 2nd level elastic wonder gain both ''slight build'' and ''powerful build'' as she is able to shift her size to her advantage almost instantly.
At 4th level she gain gains the ability to replicate the effect of [[SRD:Enlarge Person|''enlarge person'']] and [[SRD:Reduce Person|''reduce person'']] as a move action on herself. This ability always affect her no matter her type and it stack with both her ''powerful build'' and ''slight build'' abilities. When she reach character level 9th she become able to use this ability as an immediate or move action.
'''{{Anchor|Tangle}} {{Ex}}:''' A 3rd level elastic wonder gain the [[SRD:Improved Grapple|improved grapple]] feat as a bonus feat even fi she does not meet the prerequisites. Additionally any creature she grapple are [[SRD:Entangled|entangled]] and held down.

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