Kisalli Octoxeno are a tentacle mass, four they have two primary tentacles and two secondary tentacles can act as arms, and four thick tentacle legs. However, they have -2Strength and -2Constitution penalties, have 1LA, are small with slight build (effectively tiny), and are manifesters. Kisalli Octoxeno are the weakest of all races for combat.
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Durumgiru have two arms, four legs and a tail, and no LA or HD; but are blind.
===[[Kisalli Octoxeno (3.5e Race)|KisalliOctoxeno]]===
===[[The Ortal (3.5e Race)#Ortal-ya-jit|Ortal-ya-jit]]===
===[[Skandar (3.5e Race)|Skandar]]===
Skandar have four arms, are large-sizedhave powerful build, with a +4Strength bonus, a stackable Rage ability, and the Xenotheric subtype (can take [[Xenotheric (3.5e Feat Type)|xenotheric]] feats). But have 2HD, which, oddly, should give them most of the requirements for limb-granting prestige classes.
===[[Sol-duhvaan (3.5e Race)|Sol-duhvaan]]===