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Spider-Monk (3.5e Class)

20 bytes added, 00:45, 6 May 2019
Making a Spider-Monk
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' Spider-Monks may be proficient with all simple weapons plus handaxe, kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shuriken, and siangham. After a Spider-Monk gains web shooters, he would be proficient in that too. Spider-Monks need the greatest range of movement possible and so can't use any armor or shields. When wearing armor, using a shield, or carrying a medium or heavy load, a Spider-Monk loses AC bonus, as well as fast movement and flurry of blows abilities.
'''{{Anchor|Monk Abilities}} {{Ex}}:''' Upon taking this class, all spider-monks automatically gain the following abilities of monks: [[SRD:Monk#Unarmed_Strike|Unarmed Strike]], [[SRD:Monk#Flurry_of_Blows|Flurry of Blows]], [[SRD:Monk#Fast_Movement|Fast Movement]], and [[SRD:Monk#AC_Bonus|AC Bonus]]. Follow the chart above for the details of those 4 times the rate
'''{{Anchor|Spider Climb}} {{Sp}}''' - At level 1, the Spider-Monk's powers begin to manifest. Instead of making a Climb check, he may use the spell-like ability [[Spider_climb|Spider Climb]] at will, but with the following modifications: The duration is only one round per use, but uses can be chained together for continuous effect. The climb speed is equal to (2 x Climb skill) + (movement speed/2) (total rounded to the nearest 5), limited to normal unarmed movement speed (with bonuses). '''Example''': A Dwarfish lv-8 Spider-Monk with a Climb of 10 would get a spider climbing speed of 40ft (the maximum allowable speed for this race at this level).<br/> - This ability may be used as a move action or as an immediate action, as the situation dictates.<br/> - Starting at level 9, if spider climbing speed meets or exceeds unarmed movement speed, the spider-monk attains [[Spider-Monk_(3.5e_Class)#True_Spider_Climb|True Spider Climb]].
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