|The final hour is upon us. The end times have begun!
|orig=Jamora, Elan Doombinder
|src=Book of Dark ProphaciesProphecies
The end times are here, and you are their prophet. Or, perhaps, the only thing keeping it bound and hidden away. In your experience as a binder you have come across vestiges such as Chuboclops and [[The Black Beast of Chaos (3.5e Prestige ClassVestige)|The Black Beast of Chaos]], apocalyptic entities that would destroy their world were they released. Fortunately for the world something has stopped them and they are relegated to the realm of non-being that is vestiges, yet they continue to make their mark on the world and in the shadows. Regardless if you are aligned with their interests, or if you are merely trying to know you enemy, you have focused your binding research upon them.
===Becoming a Doombinder===