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Archmagus (3.5e Prestige Class)

23 bytes added, 19:59, 4 July 2019
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'''{{Anchor|Preparation Synthesis}}:''' At 2nd level, an Archmagus is capable of preparing any spell on her spell known list as if it was in her spell book. If a spell she wishes to prepare is not on her prepared arcane spell list she must use two spell slot of the correct or higher level to prepare it.
'''{{Anchor|Fueled Metamagic}} {{Ex}}:''' Once per round, whenever a 3rd level Archmagus apply a [Metamagic] feat to a spell she spontaneously cast, she may reduce or eliminate the spell level adjustment of the metamagic feat by up to half her class level by expending , doing so require her to expend a prepared spell slot whose level is equal or higher to the augmented spell's original level.
When she prepare her spells for the day, she may also do same when she prepare a spell modified by a [Metamagic] feat. However instead she sacrifice one of her spontaneous spell slot. She may may only use this ability once per spell prepared.

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