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Right Tool for the Job (3.5e Maneuver)

43 bytes removed, 07:08, 7 September 2019
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|summary=Pull out exactly the item you need to succeed up to 25,000 gp (or 5000 gp) in value.
''If only you had a spork of undead slaying, you could defeat Grand Overlord Ultra Death right now. But wait... if you combine these items you will certainly obtain what you need.''
Due to epic foresight and a little on the spot improvisation you draw exactly the item you need of up to 25,000 gp in value (if of any non-consumable) or 5,000 gp in value (if consumable)item. The item acts as normal but due to flaws in its working it does not persist longer than the encounter, or 1 minute, whichever is longer. However, you cannot duplicate unique items or artifacts. You may need to make an appropriate Craft check for unusually complex items. You can only have one object created by this maneuver at one time making this a once an encounter maneuver.

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