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Spore Burst (3.5e Feat)

11 bytes removed, 14:14, 14 November 2019
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|benefit=At will you can release a cloud of fungal spores from your body. As a swift action, all creatures in your reach who are not immune to poison take 1 point of poison damage. You leave a cloud of spores in your wake that lasts for 1 round, is dispersed in 11 mph or stronger wind, and does not conceal. Creatures moving through or ending their turn in the cloud take 1 poison damage, though no more than once per round.
Alternatively you can charge up your spores for a great big burst. As a standard action you erupt into spores in a 20 ft radius centered on yourself and deal 1d6 poison damage. The cloud hangs around for 1 round/level. However, you You are unable to use your Spore Burst ability for 1 minute afterward. Creatures in the cloud also take a -2 penalty on saves against disease and poison.
You are immune to your own spore burst, and gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against diseases and poisonous effects from Plant or Ooze creatures and against plant-based poisons and diseases.

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