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Arson Gremlin (3.5e Monster)

12 bytes added, 05:51, 5 February 2020
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'''See in Fog {{Su}}:''' An arson gremlin can see through opaque fogs and gases, typically smoke from the fires they create.
'''Spell-Like Abilities {{Sp}}:''' At will-''[[SRD:Burning Hands|burning hands]]'' (DC 13), ''[[SRD:Invisibility|invisibility]]''(self only); 3/day-''[[SRD:Heat Metal|heat metal]]'' (DC 14), ''[[SRD:Produce Flame|produce flame]]''; 1/day-''[[SRD:Fireball|fireball]]'' (DC 15), ''[[SRD:Obscuring Mist|obscuring mist]]'', ''wall of smoke''<sup>SpC</sup> (DC 13). The saving throws are [[Charisma]] based.

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