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Bewitcher (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

85 bytes added, 21:34, 25 October 2020
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{{3.5e Alternate Class Feature
|name=Bewitching Witch
|summary=This alternate class feature push pushes the witch closer to the Sorcerer, making her Charisma-based and granting her spontaneous spellcasting as well as spell known.
|class=Pathfinder Witch
|benefit=You may use your [[Charisma]] modifier instead of your [[Intelligence]] modifier for witch's class feature, including Hexes and Spellcasting, chosen at 1st level. You no longer prepare spells, instead gaining the spell per days and spell known as a [[SRD:Sorcerer|Sorcerer]], you except with one less spell known per level. You regain spell by communing with your familiar before resting as normal. You add your patron spells to your spell known list automatically at the levels you gain access to themin addition to your normal spell known.
At 1st level you gain the [[SRD:Eschew Materials|Eschew Materials]] feat as a bonus feat.

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