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Street Urchin (3.5e Feat)

64 bytes added, 21:51, 12 October 2009
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|name=Street Urchin
|summary= You were raised by the street, you . You had your share of diseases, bullies , and bad luck.
|benefit= See below
'''Archetype Feat Bonus are based on HD.'''
* '''1 HD''': You survived by eating what you could and fighting disease, you . You gain immunity to mundane disease diseases and ingested poisonpoisons.* '''3 HD''': No more bullies are going to tell you how to live! You gain a competence bonus to grappleresist grapples, bull-rush rushes and trip check made to resist them checks equal to your base attack bonus.* '''8 HD''': You know how to avoid problems, you . You have an inner sense letting you know when someone wait waits for you on the street corner with a knife. You gain blindsense out of 20 ft and uncanny dodge. * '''15 HD''': You know that the only way to win on the street is to fight dirty, . you gain 1d6 sneak attack. This stacks with any sneak attack or similar feature already gained.

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