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A violet ring appears on the head of the target, its energy messing with its mind.
The target of the invocation must pass a Will save or fall victim to the effects of the spell [[SRD:Confusion |''confusion'']](but with these [[Alternate Confusion (3.5e Variant Rule)|rules]]). Use all of the spell statistics except for duration: this invocation lasts one round per two class levels. In addition, a target affected gains one [[Psychosis (3.5e Condition)|major psychosis]] chosen randomly. If it resists the effect, it still gains a [[Psychosis (3.5e Condition)|minor psychosis]], randomly chosen. A creature may not gain more than one psychosis from this invocation until the previous psychosis is removed.
This invocation may be learned only by a warlock that has the Mouth of Madness as a [[User:The bluez in the dungeon/Homebrew Invocations#By_Patron|patron]].