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Ionic Drain of Motion (3.5e Spell)

1 byte added, 21:59, 22 July 2021
When this spell is cast, you conjure a 2 feet wide yellow cracking ring made of high-voltage ionic particles which float in your back. Once per round, the first time you deal electricity damage with a spell, a spell-like ability, or a supernatural ability, all creature injured by these damage must success a [[Fortitude]] saving throw (DC = 10 + half the damage took) or suffer a temporary decrease of 2 points of [[Dexterity]] score, and you gain these points as temporary bonus to [[Dexterity]] Score (these bonus not stack with other bonus granted by spell like [[SRD:Cat's Grace|Cat's Grace]], but overlap).
As long as you have a temporary bonus to [[Dexterity]] score granted by this spell, you can perform a an additional immediate action each round, and if you use this additional move, you lose 2 points from these temporary bonus points to [[Dexterity]] score (you can have only one additional immediate action by this spell each round).
During your round (but not the first round after you have cast this spell), as a standard action you can end this spell by dispelling it in a loud and exploding shock of thunder. Then you lose all temporary bonus points to [[Dexterity]] score granted by this spell and you take 1d4 untyped points of damage per temporary bonus point of [[Dexterity]] loss by expelling this spell. All creatures in 30 feet around you are slowed (As per the [[SRD:Slow|Slow]] spell) for one round if they fail a [[Reflex]] saving throw. If this spell end by other way (by a dispel spell, a counterspell, or end of duration), it do nothing more.

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