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Boulder Hurl (3.5e Feat)

1 byte removed, 09:32, 14 September 2021
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|summary=Increase damage and combat options with stone-throwing
|prereqs=BAB +6 or [[Sleight of Hand]] 10 9 ranks, [[Rock Thrower (3.5e Feat)|Rock Thrower]]
|fluff=An halfling shouldn't be able to deal so much damage with just one rock!
|benefit=Each stone you toss now deals 2d6 of damage + Strength modifier. You may perform bull-rushes, disarm, sunder and trip [[SRD:Combat|maneuvers]] with stones that you throw and you gain the benefits of the [[Power Attack]] feat with stones. You may also choose to use Strength instead of Dexterity on attack rolls when throwing stones (such as per the Power Throw<sup>[[Publication:Complete Warrior|CW]]</sup> feat).

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