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Undead Fortitude (3.5e Feat)

286 bytes removed, 05:06, 1 December 2021
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|lvl2= By expending necrotic energy you are able to keep your undying soul tied to the battlefield longer. You can choose to use spell slots when you make your Fortitude save for any Fortitude save. Each Spell slot adds a bonus equal to 2 times the spell level to your save, to a max of 2 times your Charisma Modifier.
|lvl3= Undead feed off of the energy of their enemies. Any enemy that dies within your melee range has a sliver of their soul absorbed, giving you 5 2 temporary hp for every hit dice they had while alive.
|lvl5=It is harder for you to be destroyed by effects or attacks that reduce you to 0 or fewer hit points. If you take such damage, you can make a Fortitude save with a DC equal to 5 + your negative hit point total. If you fail this save, you are destroyed as normal. If this save is successful, you are still "un-alive" and kicking, with 1 hit point remaining.
:This provides no protection against effects that slay you without dealing hit point damage, or other effects that petrify, paralyze, and so forth.
:This effect does not trigger if the attack roll is a natural 20, as well as attack that deal holy, radiant, or positive energy damage.
:You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma Modifier
|lvl7= Your body pulses with undead vigor. There is a 50% chance of you being detected as an undead by spells like Detect Undead even if you don't have the undead type. Add you Charisna Modifier to your Fortitude Saves and Concentration Checks. You calculate your max base HP using your Charisma Modifier instead of your Constitution Modifier.
|lvl7=Your uncanny ability to shrug off damage improves as you are able to tap into the secrets of Undeath. If your Undead Fortitude is triggered by either a spell or a melee attack, your mastery over undeath instead absorbs some of the magic and damage. If you beat your Fortitude save by 5 or more, you absorb 50% of the damage inflicted rounded down as hit points. If you succeed, your attacker must make a Will save equal to 15 + 1/2 character level + Charisma Modifier or have the attack or spell reflected back to him, taking 50% of the damage rounded up. This effect does not work if the attack or spell is holy, good, radiant, or uses positive energy. If you succeed by 10 or more, you also regain one use of Undead Fortitude.
|lvl9=You have no weaknesses. ''Almost'' no weaknesses. You can still make a Fortitude save even if you are dealt damage by holy, radiant, or positive energy damage, and if you beat the DC by 10 or more you are able to recover a use of Undead Forititude. However, you take a -5 to your check if this damage triggers your Undead Fortitude, . and if you beat the DC for Undead Fortitude by 10 or more you are not able to absorb nor deflect the damagerecover a use of Undead Fortitude.

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