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Ravenous Succubi (3.5e Martial Discipline)

1 byte removed, 04:24, 6 February 2022
[[Summary::The disciples of the Ravenous Succubi are expert in both deception and a secret technique allowing you to drink you opponents's very lifeforce.]]
The disciplines discipline is said to have been developed long ago, by a powerful Scoundrel whose curiosity and desire for powers made her dip into demonology. Little is known about how the disciplines came to be taught to similarly skilled individual, some say it was passed along Secret Circles within thieves guilds. Thanks to the disciplines heavy reliance on deception, it true history may alway remain a secrets. The discipline draw on deception more than martial might, making it unpopular with the traditional disciples of the Nine Sword, and was never taught in the Temple of the Nine Sword.
The Ravenous Succubi draw on the negative emotion of it user, using her hatred, jealously and envy as a power source. Although good characters does feel these, it is unsuited for them. The discipline also rely heavily on deception, for this reason concealable weapon such as the [[SRD:Dagger|dagger]], [[SRD:Punching Dagger|punching dagger]], [[SRD:Short Sword|short sword]], [[SRD:Kukri|kukri]] and other light piercing weapons are favored by the discipline.

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