|summary=Your spells are so strong that the very fabric of reality shakes when they are cast.
|lvl1=Your spells shatter through things normally resistant. You gain a +8 4 bonus to caster level checks against spell resistance.
|lvl3=Your spells are harder to resist. The save DC against your spells is 10 + {{1/2}} your character level + your spellcasting ability modifier. Just like every other ability in the game.
|lvl6=Your spells can bypass immunities by changing the fabric of reality. Creatures normally immune to your spells lose that immunity, but gain a +4 6 bonus versus saving throws against them.
|lvl9=Reality itself resonates when you cast spells. At your option, the round after you cast a spell, you can have the spell repeat as if cast again. This does not use up a spell slot, and the spell's targets or affected area remains the same.