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Beauty Model (3.5e Feat)

212 bytes removed, 02:27, 16 January 2023
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|date_created=15th November 2017
<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Feat
|name=Beauty QueenModel
|summary=You gain the ability to seduce others with easeare particularly comely, making quick friends and easily winning hearts.
|prereqs=Charisma 13+
|fluff=Hey there!You always knew how to use your look to your advantage. |benefit=You gain an additional skill point per level, which you can spend only to gain [[Seduce to Deceive (3.5e Other)SRD:Charisma|Seduce to DeceiveCharisma]] ability and the -based skills or gain [[Pretty Eyes (3.5e Skill Trick)|Pretty Eyes]Interaction] -based skill trick even if tricks. Additionally you do not meet the prerequisites. Your body count as having a [[SRD:Masterwork Tool|masterwork skill tool]] for your Charisma-based [[SRD:Skills|skill]] checks (granting a +2 circumstance bonus). The circumstance bonus granted by this ability increase by +1 for each 5 Hit Dice you possess.|example=<!-- If your feat has a complicated mechanic, give an example of how it works. -->
|special=This obviously can apply to male character as ''Beauty King'', if Fabio can do it, so can you!

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