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Field of Blades (3.5e Spell)

90 bytes added, 22:27, 11 June 2023
Animated Sword
These swords are only created via the ''field of blades'' spell. As a Tiny creature, it gains a +2 size bonus to attack rolls which is factored into the above stat block. Each animated sword may make attacks of opportunity (although since it lacks the [[SRD: Combat Reflexes|Combat Reflexes]] feat, it may only make one such attack of opportunity per round). When the animated sword attacks, it has the option of dealing piercing or slashing damage.
The animated sword can be targeted by enchantments that buff spells that target weapons (such as ''[[SRD: Keen Edge|keen edge]]''). If one blade is targeted by such a buff, all blades summoned by the same spell effect receive it. Because they have the Stand Still feat, they can provide crowd control and flanking bonuses even though they do not necessarily deal significant damage by themselves.

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