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User:ThunderGod Cid/Spells that Help People

454 bytes added, 10:55, 12 June 2023
Level 5: Added more spells, have at least one for every level except 6
* ''[[SRD:Righteous Might|righteous might]]''
* ''[[SRD:Raise Dead|raise dead]]''
=== Level 6 ===
=== Level 7 ===
* ''[[SRD:Limited Wish|limited wish]]''
* ''[[SRD:Resurrection|resurrection]]''
* ''[[SRD:Greater Restoration|greater restoration]]''
=== Level 8 ===
*''[[SRD:Mind Blank|mind blank]]''
*''[[SRD:Greater Spell Immunity|greater spell immunity]]''
=== Level 9 ===
* ''[[SRD:Astral Projection|astral projection]]''
* ''[[SRD:True Resurrection|true resurrection]]''
* ''[[SRD:Miracle|miracle]]''/''[[SRD:Wish|wish]]''

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