|benefit=An Alternate Sorrowsoul gain the following benefits.
'''Darkness Cast Lyric Sorrow {{ExSu}}:''' A sorrowsoul is constantly troubled being whose driving force is draws upon grief, rage, and tragedy to fuel his bardic performances. When a sorrowsoul begins a powerful negative emotionbardic performance, he can choose to alter its effects with lyric sorrow. At 1st level If she chooses a phantom's [https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/occult-adventures/occult-classes/spiritualist/emotional-foci/emotional-foci-paizo-inc/ Emotional Focus]does so, she uses twice the chosen emotional focus must be negative. She gain number of rounds of his bardic performance ability as normal, and even if the 1st level abilities of sorrowsoul has the emotional fociLingering Performance feat, as if she was both the spiritualist performance’s effects do not last for any additional rounds. Starting a lyric sorrow require a move action, and the phantombecome a swift action at 7th, and a free action at 13th level.
'''Lyric Sorrow {{Su}}:''' A At 1st level, a sorrowsoul draws upon grief, ragecan use his lyric sorrow in conjunction with inspire courage. When she chooses to do so, she increases her bonuses on saving throws and on weapon attack and tragedy damage rolls from +1 to fuel his bardic performances+2, but her other allies receive no benefit. Some of her bardic performance are marked as 'Her bonuses when using lyric sorrow' with inspire courage increase by 2 at 5th level and only affect herselfevery 6 bard levels thereafter, and no alliesto a maximum of +8 at 17th level.
When At 12th level, a sorrowsoul begins a bardic performance, she can choose to alter its effects with use his lyric sorrow. If she does soability in conjunction with inspire greatness to grant himself 3 bonus Hit Dice, he uses twice the number of rounds of her bardic performance ability as normala +3 competence bonus on attack rolls, and even a +2 competence bonus on Fortitude saves; if the sorrowsoul has the Lingering Performance feathe does so, inspire greatness only affects him, the performance’s effects do not last for any additional rounds. Despite placing the sorrowsoul under extreme emotions, a sorrowsoul's lyric sorrow interfere with her ability to provide emotion components for spellsother allies.
''Inspire Acrimony {{Su}}:'' This At 15th level, a sorrowsoul extols can use his lyric sorrow ability in conjunction with the inspire heroics bardic performance. When using the virtue lyric sorrow version of vengeancethis performance, gaining increased combat capacities at the cost of her reason. This grants the a sorrowsoul gains fast healing 5 and benefits from a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls50% miss chance, damage rolls and on as if under the effects of [[WillSRD:Displacement|''displacement'']] saving throws. This bonus improves , in addition to the standard bonuses conferred by +2 at 5th level and every 7 bard levels thereafter. While using this lyric sorrow the bard is overcome by emotions and cannot use any Charisma-bardic performance, Dexterity-but if she does so, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobaticsinspire heroics only affects her, Bluff to feint, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or not any ability that requires patience or concentration beside her bardic performance or spellcasting. Starting the inner darkness performance is a move action, at 7th level it may be started as a swift action. Inner Darkness can only be used in combination with Lyric Sorrowother allies.
This ability alters bardic performance and replaces inspire couragesoothing performance and versatile performance.
''Dirge of Doom 'Darkness Denied {{SuEx}}:''' At 8th 2nd level the XXX learns dirge of doom as normal. In addition to its normal effect if used as lyric sorrow, the affected creature must succeed on a [[Will]] save (DC 10 sorrowsoul gains a + half the bard's class level + the bard's [[Charisma]] modifier) at the start of each turns it is within the effect of dirge of doom or become [[SRD:Staggered|staggered]] for 1 round. The 4 bonus on saving throws against negative energy and death effects of dirge of doom lingers for 1 additional 1 round after an enemies leaves it area of effect.
This bardic performance alters dirge of doomability replaces well-versed.
'''Spurn Harm {{Su}}:''' A sorrowsoul can funnel his bardic powers to persevere in the face of seemingly certain death. At 5th level, a sorrowsoul can spend 3 rounds of her daily bardic performance as an immediate action to gain one of the following bonus for 1 round:
At 11th level she may select two benefits from the list when she uses spurn harm. At 17th level she gains all benefits.
This ability replaces lore master. }}