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555 bytes added, 07:12, 26 January 2024
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* DR 5/—, which improves by +1 7th level and each 2 levels thereafter (to a maximum of DR 10/— at 15th level).
At 11th level she may select two benefits from the list when she uses spurn harm. At 17th level she gains all three benefits.
This ability replaces lore master.
===Sorrowsoul Soloist===
These sorrowsoul are touched by death and tragedy, gaining that they are unable to uplift the spirits of others.
'''Dour Resolve {{Ex}}:''' A sorrowsoul soloist's heart is hardened by tragedy, she gain [[Resolute Personality (3.5e Feat)|Resolute Personality]] as a bonus feat. Additionally when using lyric sorrow she uses a normal amount of rounds per day instead of twice as much.
This ability replaces the sorrowsoul abilities to use inspire courage, inspire greatness and inspire heroics outside of lyric sorrow.

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