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Bewitcher (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

248 bytes removed, 20:42, 17 June 2024
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{{3.5e Alternate Class Feature
|summary=This alternate class feature pushes the A bewitcher is a witch closer to the Sorcerer, making who relies on her Charisma-based guile and granting her spontaneous spellcasting as well as spell knownwiles, rather than intellect.
|replaces=SpellcastingClass Skills|benefit=A bewitcher may use her [[Charisma]] instead of her [[Intelligence]] modifier for all of gain access to the witch's following class features, such as Hexes, Spellcasting and other abilities gained from archetypes. A bewitcher cast arcane spells spontaneously as a [[SRD:Sorcerer|Sorcerer]] of her class level, and does not need to prepare them ahead of time. A bewitcher does not need to commune with her familiar to regain her spells per day. Any effect that allows her to add spells to her familiar permanently, such as the human's favored class bonus or through her patron, allows her to to add spells to her spell known instead, with the same restriction.
At 1st level a '''Skills and Class Skills:''' A bewitcher gains the a number of skill ranks equal to 4 + her Intelligence modifier at each level, instead of 2 + her Intelligence modifier skill ranks. A betwicther add [[SRD:Bluff Skill|Bluff]] and [[SRD:Eschew MaterialsDisguise Skill|Eschew MaterialsDisguise]] feat to her list of class skills. '''Charismatic Power {{Ex}}:''' A bewitcher may use her [[Charisma]] instead of her [[Intelligence]] modifier for all of the witch's class features, such as a bonus featHexes, Spellcasting and other abilities gained from archetypes.}}
{{3.5e Alternate Class Features Breadcrumb}}

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