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'''Skills and Class Skills:''' A bewitcher gains a number of skill ranks equal to 4 + her Intelligence modifier at each level, instead of 2 + her Intelligence modifier skill ranks. A betwicther add [[SRD:Bluff Skill|Bluff]] and [[SRD:Disguise Skill|Disguise]] to her list of class skills.
'''Charismatic Power {{Ex}}:''' A bewitcher may use uses her [[Charisma]] instead of her [[Intelligence]] modifier for all of the witch's class features, such as Hexes, Spellcasting and other abilities gained from archetypes.
Additionally a betwitcher start with the [https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/witch/hexes/hexes/common-hexes/hex-charm-su/ charm] or [https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/witch/hexes/hexes/common-hexes/hex-disguise-su/ disguise] hex as an additional hex.}}