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Samhain Spooker (3.5e Class)

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'''{{Anchor|Candle Eyes}} {{Su}}:''' The eyes (and mouth) of the Samhain Spooker glow in whatever color they choose at all times, unless suppressed. This duplicates the effects of the psionic power ''my light''. Additionally, they may use ''detect magic'' at will, and replicate ''detect poison'' or ''identify'' at will with a 1 minute ritual.
'''{{Anchor|Eidolon FormSpectral Skein}} {{Su}}:''' The main ability of the Samhain Spooker is the ability to conjure a spectral being an eldritch facade that is some nebulous, draws on the many spooky thing drawn from things of nightmares and the dark places of the world. However, unlike a summonerThis is somewhat similar to the ability of the Synthesist Summoner or Monster Channeler, but the forms the Samhain Spooker does not have an eidolon miniontakes are more defined and less individually powerful. The samhain spooker begins play knowing two costumes and gains a new costume at every odd level. Donning a Spectral Skein requires a Full Round action at first level. At 3rd level, it becomes a Standard Action, then a Move at 6th, a Swift at 9th, a Free at 12th, but instead something like and an eidolon Immediate action at 15th level. The flaws given by costumes do not give a bonus feat (the bonus feat is in effect the benefits of the costume). Eidolon Forms are built like the summoner’s EidolonThe samhain spooker may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + their class level, and a costume lasts for 3 + charisma modifier rounds, but they are not summoned unless ended early (A full round action). ''{{Anchor|Ghost}}:'' The samhain spooker covers themselves in an all-consuming pale shroud with black eye spots. They gain the [[Baneful_Wound_(3.5e_Flaw)|Baneful Wound]] (Good and Silver) and the [[Ghost-Touched_(3.5e_Feat)|Ghost-Touched]] feat. ''{{Anchor|Ghoul}}:'' The samhain spooker's skin pales and takes on a 1 minute ritualdeathly pallor as the skin around their eyes reddens while their teeth take on an exaggerated length and sharpness. They gain the [[Kill_Happy_(3.5e_Flaw|Kill Happy]] flaw, the [[Ghoul,_Tome_(3.5e_Template)|Ghoul]] template, and the Samhain Spooker has multiple Eidolon Forms they can choose frombenefits of [[A_Feast_Unknown_(3. 5e_Feat)|A Samhain Spooker begins play with two Eidolon Forms which Feast Unknown]] (other than the undead creation part). ''{{Anchor|Mad Chirurgeon}}:'' The samhain spooker pulls on a leather apron and pair of gauntlets. Their hair becomes messy and spiky, and their eyes take on a wild look. They gain the Lack of Empathy flaw (providing care to a character is not considered to be helping them), the feats [[Advanced_Heal_(3.5e_Feat)|Advanced Heal]], [[Battlefield_Surgeon_(3.5e_Feat)|Battlefield Surgeon]], [[Medical_Knowledge_(3.5e_Feat)|Medical Knowledge]], and ranks in Heal equal to their class level+3. However, the Mad Chirurgeon's methods are built exactly like invasive and experimental. Each round they provide care to a character, they deal 1 damage per three class levels to that character before the effects of the provided care. Unlike other costumes, this costume lasts for a number of hours equal to 3 + the Summoner’s Eidolonsamhain spooker's charisma modifier, but each hour the samhain spooker remains in this costume, they just give must make a Will save (15+1 per previous hour spent) or take 1 Wisdom damage. ''{{Anchor|Skeleton}}:'' White bones appear on the Samhain Spooker two options to choose from samhain spooker's clothes in combatthe rough approximation of their skeleton and they paint a skull-like pattern on their face. Your Eidolon Forms are OutsidersThey gain the [[Rotted_Limbs_(3.5e_Flaw)|Rotted Limb]] flaw, the Bone Creature template<sup>BoVD</sup>, and use the normal [[Fall_to_Pieces_(3.X Outsider type rules 5e_Feat)|Fall to Pieces]] and [[Remote_Limbs_(Full BAB3.5e_Feat)|Remote Limbs]] feats. ''{{Anchor|Vampire}}:'' The samhain spooker dons a shadowy black cloak as their skin pales while their eyes become bloodshot. They gain the [[Light_Vulnerability_(3.5e_Flaw)|Light Vulnerability]] flaw, All Good Savesthe [[Vampire, 8 skill points, etc_Tome_(3.5e_Template), instead |Vampire]] template and the benefits of Pathfinderthe [[Corpsecrafted_(3.5e_Feat)|Corpsecrafted]] feat. ''{{Anchor|Werewolf}}:'' The samhain spooker's weird half-assed stuffbody hunches as they don a furry mantle. Their face elongates like that of a wolf. They gain a bite and two claw feral strikes and enter a rage like a [[Barbarian,_Tome_(3.5e_Class)|Barbarian]] of their class level, but also gain the [[Baneful_Wound_(3.5e_Flaw)|Baneful Wound]](Adamantine and Silver) flaw.
''{{Anchor|Witch}}:'' The effects of taking on Eidolon Form are exactly samhain spooker's skin takes an eldritch green pallor as they don a black pointed hat. They gain the [[Flesh_Altered_(3.5e_Flaw)|Flesh Altered]] flaw and the same as [[Born_Invoker_(3.5e_Feat)|Born Invoker]] feat. They automatically gain the Monster Channeler’s Channel Monster ability, with two key exceptions– The Samhain Summoner retains their mental ability scoresWitchwood Step<sup>CM</sup> invocation, and they are may select more invocations for a single creature, not some weird half-assed possession thing[[Bonus_Invocations_(3. Taking on an Eidolon Form requires a Full Round action at first level5e_Variant_Rule)|high Charisma]]. At 3rd 6th level, it becomes a Standard Actionthey gain the invocation Witch's Broom (as Fell Flight), then a Move at 6th, a Swift at 9th, a Free at 12th11th, they gain [[Painful Slumber of Ages]] and an Immediate action at 15th level16th they gain [[Maleficent Curse]].
''{{Anchor|Zombie}}:'' The Samhain Spooker gains a new Eidolon build at 4th levelsamhain spooker's clothes become ripped and torn as they appear to quickly decay. They gain the [[Addled_Mind_(3.5e_Flaw)|Addled Mind]] flaw (the round after you don the costume counts as the first round of combat for these purposes), the Corpse Creature template<sup>BoVD</sup>, and another every even level thereafter until they have seven forms at level 12the [[Corpse_Toughness_(3.5e_Feat)|Corpse Toughness]] and [[Undead_Fellow_(3.5e_Feat)|Undead Fellow]] feats.
'''''{{Anchor|Summon Minion of the Night}}'' {{Sp}}:''' Starting at 1st level, a samhain spooker can summon a creature of fear and darkness a number of times per day equal to 3 + their Charisma modifier. Drawing upon this ability uses up the same power as the samhain spooker uses to call their eidolon form. As a result, they can only use this ability when their eidolon form is not active. This effect is effectively Summon Monster, except the creatures remain for 1 minute per level (instead of 1 round per level). At 3rd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, the power of this ability increases by one spell level, allowing them to summon more powerful creatures. For the creatures that can be summoned at each level, see [[Summon Minion of the Night Level Lists]]
'''''{{Anchor|Hordes of Minions}}'' {{Sp}}:''' At 19th level the samhain spooker reaches the pinnacle of their summoning abilities and may now use Summon Minions to replicate the effects of ''abyssal army<sup>SpC</sup>, hellish horde<sup>SpC</sup>, hunters of Hades<sup>SpC</sup>,'' and ''zombie apocalypse<sup>Summon Undead</sup>.'' The samhain spooker can take on their Eidolon Form while replicating these specific effects through Summon Minion.
'''{{Anchor|Eidolon Form}} {{Su}}:''' The main ability of the Samhain Spooker is the ability to conjure a spectral being that is some nebulous, spooky thing drawn from nightmares and the dark places of the world. However, unlike a summoner, the Samhain Spooker does not have an eidolon minion, but instead something like an eidolon costume. Eidolon Forms are built like the summoner’s Eidolon, but they are not summoned in a 1 minute ritual, and the Samhain Spooker has multiple Eidolon Forms they can choose from. A Samhain Spooker begins play with two Eidolon Forms which are built exactly like the Summoner’s Eidolon, they just give the Samhain Spooker two options to choose from in combat. Your Eidolon Forms are Outsiders, and use the normal 3.X Outsider type rules (Full BAB, All Good Saves, 8 skill points, etc), instead of Pathfinder's weird half-assed stuff.
The effects of taking on Eidolon Form are exactly the same as the Monster Channeler’s Channel Monster ability, with two key exceptions– The Samhain Summoner retains their mental ability scores, and they are a single creature, not some weird half-assed possession thing. Taking on an Eidolon Form requires a Full Round action at first level. At 3rd level, it becomes a Standard Action, then a Move at 6th, a Swift at 9th, a Free at 12th, and an Immediate action at 15th level.
The Samhain Spooker gains a new Eidolon build at 4th level, and another every even level thereafter until they have seven forms at level 12.

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