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38 bytes removed, 21:56, 5 December 2009
Bot-assisted addition of subtypes
{{Creature Table
| creature=| style=| size=Medium | type=[[SRD:Undead Type|Undead]]| hd=14d12 | hp=91 | init=+9| speed=30 ft. (6 squares)| ac=23 (+4 [[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]], +9 natural) | touch=14 | flat=14 | bab=+7 | grapple=+12| at=Slam +12 melee (1d6+7) or tongue +12 melee touch ([[SRD:Paralysis|paralysis]])| full_at=Slam +12 melee (1d6+7) and tongue +12 melee touch ([[SRD:Paralysis|paralysis]])| space=5 ft. | reach=5 ft.| sa=[[SRD:Improved Grab|Improved grab]], paralyzing touch, create spawn| sq=[[SRD:Darkvision|Darkvision]] 60 ft., [[SRD:Undead Type|undead traits]]| fort=+4 | ref=+10 | will=+9| | str=21| dex=19| con=—| int=11| wis=10 | cha=10| skills=[[SRD:Climb Skill|Climb]] +13, [[SRD:Hide Skill|Hide]] +21, [[SRD:Listen Skill|Listen]] +11, [[SRD:Move Silently Skill|Move Silently]] +21, [[SRD:Spot Skill|Spot]] +15, [[SRD:Swim Skill|Swim]] +9| feats=[[SRD:Alertness|Alertness]], [[SRD:Dodge|Dodge]], [[SRD:Improved Initiative|Improved Initiative]], [[SRD:Lightning Reflexes|Lightning Reflexes]], [[SRD:Mobility|Mobility]]| env=Any| org=Solitary, gang (2–4), or mob (2–4 plus 5–10 [[SRD:Zombie|zombies]])| cr=8| treas=None| align=Always [[SRD:Chaotic Evil|chaotic evil]]| adv=15–21 [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]] (Medium); 22–28 [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]] (Large)| la=—
Mohrgs are the animated corpses of mass murderers or similar villains who died without atoning for their crimes. Most mohrgs are 5 to 6 feet tall and weigh about 120 pounds.

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