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SRD:Ogre Mage

38 bytes removed, 21:57, 5 December 2009
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{{Creature Table
| creature=| style=| size=Large | type=[[SRD:Giant Type|Giant]]| hd=5d8+15 | hp=37 | init=+4| speed=40 ft. (8 squares), fly 40 ft. (good)| ac=18 (–1 size, +5 natural, +4 [[SRD:Chain Shirt|chain shirt]]) | touch=9 | flat=18 | bab=+3 | grapple=+12| at=[[SRD:Greatsword|Greatsword]] +7 melee (3d6+7/19–20) or [[SRD:Longbow|longbow]] +2 ranged (2d6/x3)| full_at=[[SRD:Greatsword|Greatsword]] +7 melee (3d6+7/19–20) or [[SRD:Longbow|longbow]] +2 ranged (2d6/x3)| space=10 ft. | reach=10 ft.| sa=[[SRD:Spell-Like Ability|Spell-like abilities]]| sq=[[SRD:Darkvision|Darkvision]] 90 ft., [[SRD:Low-Light Vision|low-light vision]], [[SRD:Regeneration|regeneration]] 5, [[SRD:Spell Resistance and Spell Immunity#Spell Resistance (Ex)|spell resistance]] 19| fort=+7 | ref=+1 | will=+3| | str=21| dex=10| con=17| int=14| wis=14 | cha=17| skills=[[SRD:Concentration Skill|Concentration]] +11, [[SRD:Listen Skill|Listen]] +10, [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] +10, [[SRD:Spot Skill|Spot]] +10 | feats=[[SRD:Combat Expertise|Combat Expertise]], [[SRD:Improved Initiative|Improved Initiative]]| env=Cold hills| org=Solitary, pair, or troupe (1–2 plus 2–4 [[SRD:Ogre|ogres]])| cr=8| treas=Double standard| align=Usually [[SRD:Lawful Evil|lawful evil]]| adv=By [[SRD:Classes|character class]]| la=+7
The ogre mage is a more intelligent and dangerous variety of its mundane cousin.

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