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Races of War (3.5e Sourcebook)/Equipment

251 bytes added, 16:25, 18 January 2010
Heavy Armors
:'''BAB:''' Benefit
:'''+1:''' You are encased in bronze and negate the first 5 points of non-lethal damage from any physical attack.
:'''+5:'''Your attacks aids allies five foot to your left and right by providing a +1 to hit for every attack you made.:'''+10:'''When wielding a shield, you may add the shield bonus to the shield bonus of the character on your shield-arm's side. :'''+15:'''You are immune to fear.
==== Mechanus Armor ====
:'''13:''' You may sprout wings, granting you a Flight Speed of 90' (Good).
:'''18:''' Once per day, the armor will cast a heal spell on you with a Caster level of 11. This is a contingent effect and goes off when you need it to.
=== Shields ===

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