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Talk:Races of War (3.5e Sourcebook)/Equipment

542 bytes added, 19:31, 16 March 2010
::::Yeah. I mean, price is easy (obviously). Power is harder. We have to balance AC and other stats with the benefits granted. Where to start, where to start, I think we need to find a "perfect armor" for each class. [[User:Surgo|Surgo]] 18:38, January 15, 2010 (UTC)
:::::The three additional categories of armor emerge pretty naturally. You've got the normal armors, which are in the PHB. These should be affordable by level 3 at the latest. Then you've got the exotic armors which are made of strange things like mithril, adamantium, spider silk, and dragon scales. Finally you have the fantastic armors which are by necessity magical in nature: blocks of ice that don't melt, force shields, armors possessed by outsiders, and so forth. [[User:Catharz Godfoot|Catharz Godfoot]] 19:31, March 16, 2010 (UTC)
==Balancing Armor==

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