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User:Ghostwheel/Spiritualist (3.5e Class)

13 bytes added, 00:59, 31 March 2010
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''Spirits:'' The spiritualist binds a spirit to do his bidding, causing it to appear in any adjacent square. It takes one round to bring a spirit into being, and another for every additional spirit already on the field. (So if the spiritualist has two spirits out, bringing another one into being requires three rounds of binding.) Any saves creatures must make in response to spirits have a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 the spiritualist's level + the spiritualist's [[Wisdom]] modifier. If a spiritualist binds a spirit of the same type which is already out, the first one disappears as though killed.
Spirits are [[Medium]] creatures that have the same saves as the spiritualist, effectively the same number of HD, and are considered [[OutsidersSRD:Outsider|outsiders]]; they have a touch and flat-footed AC equal to 10 + 3/4 the spiritualist's level + the spiritualist's [[Wisdom]] modifier, and their effects are considered emanations with a range of 10' per spiritualist level (begins at 40'). Spirits are weightless and cannot move or be moved from the spot from which they were summoned by any means, and have a number of HP equal to the (5 + the spiritualist's [[Wisdom]] modifier) times the spiritualists level; thus, a level 6 spiritualist with 12 [[Wisdom]] would bind spirits that have 36 HP. They are also immune to ability drain, ability damage, and negative levels, as well as to mind-affecting effects.
''Essences:'' Essences bind a spirit into a creature, which grants the creature bonuses or penalties depending on the specific spirit. Charisma governs the power of essences, and any saves creatures must make to resist essences have a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 the spiritualist's level + the spiritualist's [[Charisma]] modifier.

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