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Ralts (3.5e Monster)

2,210 bytes added, 04:28, 5 April 2010
Created page with '__NOTOC__ {{author |adopter=Quantumboost |author_name=Koumei |date_adopted=4/4/2010 |status=Complete |editing=Spelling and Grammar only }} {{3.5e Monster Classic |monster=Ralts …'
|editing=Spelling and Grammar only

{{3.5e Monster Classic
|size=Tiny |type=Aberration |subtypes=Psionic
|hd=1d8-1 |hp=3
|init=+6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
|speed=10 ft.
|ac=14 (+2 size, +2 Dex) |touch=14 |flat=12
|bab=+0 |grapple=-11
|at=Unarmed -1 melee (1 nonlethal) or by weapon.
|space=5 ft. |reach=5 ft.
|sa=[[#Psionic|Psionics]], [[#Egg Move|Egg Move]]
|sq=[[#Detect Thoughts|Detect Thoughts]], [[#Uncanny Dodge|Uncanny Dodge]], [[#Telepathy|telepathy]] 100 ft.
|fort=-1 |ref=+1 |will=+4
|str=4 |dex=14 |con=8 |int=13 |wis=17 |cha=15
|feats=[[SRD:Alertness|Alertness]]<sup>B</sup>, [[SRD:Improved Initiative|Improved Initiative]]
|env=Any land near humanoids
|org=Solitary or group (2-4)
|align=Usually Good or Neutral
|adv=2-4 HD (Tiny), 5-8 HD (Small)

=== Combat ===

'''{{Anchor|Detect Thoughts}} ([[Su]]):''' A Ralts constantly scans the area around itself looking for the thoughts and feelings of others. The Ralts ''[[SRD:Detect Thoughts|detects thoughts]]'' as the spell, except that it does not need to concentrate and always gains the information as if it had spent 3 rounds concentrating on any particular creature, and the area is a 60 ft. emanation from the Ralts in all directions. Save DC is 10 + ½ Ralts’s HD + Charisma Modifier.

:The sample Ralts has a DC of 12 for Detect Thoughts.

'''{{Anchor|Telepathy}} ([[Su]]):''' A Ralts can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 ft. of it which has a language.

'''{{Anchor|Psionics}} ([[Sp]]):''' 1/4 rounds – ''whelm''; 1/hour – ''[[SRD:Blur|blur]]''. Caster (or manifester) level equals hit dice plus one. Save DCs are 10 + Cha Modifier + Spell level.

:The sample Ralts has a caster or manifester level of 2 and a save DC of 12 + spell level.

'''{{Anchor|Egg Move}} ([[Sp]]):''' One of the following is added as a 1/4 rounds Psionic spell-like ability:
*[[SRD:Faerie Fire|Faerie fire]]
*Karmic aura

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