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Dungeon Master (3.5e Class)

571 bytes removed, 21:11, 18 September 2010
Dungeon Master
|description=The Dungeon Master loves to have complete mystical control of the outcome of his life, he can change the world around him to fit his need.
==Dungeon Master==
A dungeon Master hates fate, he hates thinking that everything happens for a reason or that he's following some divine path. Everything happens for his reason, and he follows his own friggin path, and if anyone tries to tell him different, he'll just change the course of events to take him back to <i>His</i> path. He learns how to change the outcome of the world around him to suit his needs, some call it luck, some call it magic, the Dungeon Master knows however, that it is merely him doing what he wants.
its gay
===Campaign Information===
Anonymous user