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787 bytes added, 19:11, 30 September 2009
Types of Ethergaunts
'''White Ethergaunt:''' The whites serve the race as scholars, philosophers, diplomats, and bureaucrats.
Each caste or "level" of ethergaunt is characterized by a commensurate step in intelligence from the one below it.
Ethergaunts are easily the most intelligent mortal race, with the lowest grade ethergaunt having an average intelligence score in the mid-twenties (according to 3.5 D&D status scores), with the highest Black Ethergaunts having intelligence ratings in the mid-forties. The average Ancient dragon may be lucky to have an intelligence rating close to 30. These incredible intelligences are what has allowed etherguants to develop some of the most advanced technology in the D&D universe. Indeed, they reject magics for technology and scientific principles. Of course, their level of advanced technology appears quite magical to less advanced races (i.e. everyone else).
Anonymous user

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