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36 bytes added, 19:37, 14 October 2009
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'''Khorvaire''' is the primary continent of the world of [[Eberron]]. Most of the published material for the Eberron [[campaign setting]] concerns Khorvaire and its residents.
[[Dwarf|Dwarves]] are native to the [[Mror Holds]]. The largest dwarven settlements are there, but they can be found throughout the continent.
[[Elf|Elves]] are not native to Khorvaire, either. There are three distinct cultural groups of elves that can be found on Khorvaire:
* The [[Aerenal]] elves come from the island subcontinent of the same name. Their are no large settlements of Aerenal elves in Khorvaire, but they can be found in nearly every major city.
===Half-Elves (Khoravar)===
[[Half-elf|Half-elves]] are common in Khorvaire as a distinct race, called the [[Khoravar]]. Most are descendents of elves who came to the continent with the elven [[Dragonmarked Houses]]. Many Khoravar are associated with the half-elven Houses, [[Medani]] and [[Lyrandar]]. Due to their association with House Lyrandar, Khoravar can be found nearly everywhere in Khorvaire.
Half-elves who are the children of human/elf couples are far less common, but they can be found in places with large human and elven populations.
[[HalflingsHalfling]] s are native to the [[Talenta Plains]]. The halflings that live there have a very traditional, nomadic, tribal lifestyle. Halflings who have migrated to large cities tend to be more cosmopolitan and human-like culturally.
===Orcs and Half-Orcs===
[[OrcsOrc]] s and their progeny, the [[half-orcsorc]]s, have inhabited the western part of Khorvaire for millenia. They can be found throughout the regions there, primarily in the [[Shadow Marches]], the [[Demon Wastes]], and [[Droaam]].

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