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User:MisterSinister/TOToM (3.5e Sourcebook)

161 bytes removed, 04:30, 8 November 2010
Edits and adding navbox
|contributors=Frank Trollman, Havvy, K, TarkisFlux
|date_created=13th October 2010
|status=In progress/transcribing
== For (Would-Be) Contributors ==
First off, if you're thinking of contributing, thank you! While Tarkis , Havvy and I are working very hard to make this project happen, we're only two three people, and there's only so much we can do or think of. So if you're going to contribute, you're helping us a great deal, and we appreciate it big-time.
In terms of what needs doing, there's going to be an extremely long list, that I'll update every once in a while, and so if you could do anything in this list, it would be awesome.
* SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar). While I try to be as careful as possible, it's not always perfect, and thus, any help with checking for this is always greatly appreciated.
* Layout and organization of Chapter 1. At the moment, it's a giant thought-dump with relatively little in organizational logic, and any help or suggestions with that would be great.
* Suggestions and commentary on any of the content. This is always sought-after.
{{3.5e Sourcebooks Breadcrumb}}

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