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This page provides a simple browsing interface for finding entities described by a property and a named value. Other available search interfaces include the page property search, and the ask query builder.

Search by property

A list of all pages that have property "Summary" with value "As a second identity or an additional style, you gain two sets of feats.". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 25 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • Publication:Dread Codex/New Spells/Ghostly Deliverer  + (As [[SRD:Spectral Hand|spectral hand]], but deliver 6th-level or lower spells.)
  • Trained Monster Rancher (3.5e Feat)  + (As a Battle Rancher you can select animal companions as a druid.)
  • Golden Psychic Potential (3.5e Feat)  + (As a Golden One, you can tap into your incredible psionic potential.)
  • Noble (3.5e Class)  + (As a Noble you have lavish but incredibly strict upbringing to ensure that you start life with the skills and tools to make sure that you won't soil the family name. After all, they only want "what's best for you".)
  • Jin Binder (3.5e Feat)  + (As a Sha’ir you can bind different jins every day.)
  • Guidance (One)  + (As a [[SRD5:Reaction|Reaction]], you may give yourself or a [[Creature (One)|creature]] a boost to a failed [[d20 Test (One)|d20 Test]] (and possibly succeeding on the test).)
  • Tomb of Levistus (5e)  + (As a [[SRD5:Reaction|reaction]], you can encase yourself in ice, gaining [[SRD5:Temporary Hit Point|temporary hit point]]s.)
  • Soundblaster Bard (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)  + (As a bard you focus on sonic spells, at the loss of other spells focuses.)
  • Blood War Sorcerer (3.5e Feat)  + (As a battle magician in the blood War, you’ve learned killing arts that would amaze common spellcasters.)
  • Guardian Wall (5e Eldritch Invocation)  + (As a bonus action, you may send your Pact
    As a bonus action, you may send your Pact Shield to protect one creature of your choice within 60ft of you; You may call your Pact Shield forth as part of this bonus action. Until you use another bonus action to call the shield back to you or send it to protect another creature, that creature gains any benefit to AC and saving throws that would be granted by the shield, and may use the shield as a weapon and as a spellcasting focus, even if it doesn't have a hand free. While within 5ft of a creature protected by your Pact Shield, you also gain the Shield's benefit as if you were wielding it. Additionally, as a bonus action, you may teleport up to 30ft to an unoccupied space, within 5ft of the creature currently benefitting from your Pact Shield. You must be able to see the creature to teleport in this fashion.
    the creature to teleport in this fashion.)
  • Sylornath (3.5e Deity)  + (As a deity, she believes very firmly in pu
    As a deity, she believes very firmly in purpose, which in its most basic shape is order wrought from chaos, and she believes that every living being requires a purpose, even if many beings, even intelligent ones, are only aware of these purposes on a very deep, subconscious level.
    rposes on a very deep, subconscious level.)
  • Draconic Duskblade (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)  + (As a duskblade you draw your powers from the draconic blood within you, altering your magical abilities slightly.)
  • Devour the Soul (3.5e Feat)  + (As a fiend, you gain nourishment from devouring souls.)
  • Half-Pot (3.5e Template)  + (As a half-pot creature you don't just smoke the drug, you have become the drug.)
  • Furtive Assault (3.5e Feat)  + (As a hunting mantis, you take advantage of your natural prowess in ambushes.)
  • Patron-Bound Warlock (3.5e Trait)  + (As a loyal servant to your patron you devote most of yourself to it.)
  • Zodiacal Spell (3.5e Feat)  + (As a master stargazer you can channel the power of constellations to empower your spells.)
  • Monastic Fist (3.5e Feat)  + (As a monk you can use you unarmed strike for a variety of purposes)
  • Bloodrazor (3.5e Equipment)  + (As a move action the user can inflict up to 10 points of damage to themselves (ignoring damage reduction and temporary hit points), and in turn gain a +1 profane bonus to damage for every 2 points of damage taken.)
  • Cadaver Transformation (3.5e Feat)  + (As a move action you can transform yourself into what appears to be a decayed corpse.)
  • Patriot (3.5e Class)  + (As a paladin is powered by devotion to law and good, the patriot is powered by love of nation.)
  • Arcanopath (3.5e Feat)  + (As a psychic caster you may now take classes and feat intended for an arcane spellcaster.)
  • Sealing Force (3.5e Spell)  + (As a ranged touch attack, deal 1d6 damage per level, deals increase damage against evil spirits and immobilize them.)
  • Psychosis (3.5e Condition)  + (As a reaction to stress, or often magical manipulation, creatures can fall prey to various mental afflictions. They range from harmless quirks to devastating behavioral changes and can be difficult to remove.)
  • Disguised Feats (3.5e Feat)  + (As a second identity or an additional style, you gain two sets of feats)
 (As a second identity or an additional style, you gain two sets of feats.)