Star Gate (3.5e Power)

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Author: Foxwarrior (talk)
Date Created: 8/3/10
Status: Just started
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Star Gate
Psychoportation [Teleportation]
Level: World Dominator 6
Display: Audible, Visual, Mental
Manifesting Time: 3 rounds
Range: Close (400' +40'/level) (one hole) and Anywhere you have been (the other hole)
Effect: Two connected 200' radius holes
Duration: Concentration
Saving Throw: None
Power Resistance: No
Power Points: 11

In the silence of space, a giant hole quickly shimmers into existence and the plane of fire slowly oozes vast streams of lava into the material plane.

While manifesting Star Gate, faintly glowing images of circles appear where you specified the locations of the two holes.

This creates two 200' radius circular regions in two separate places. Passing through one circle results in travel to the other circle smoothly and instantaneously. The back sides of the circles are a completely nonreflective black.


  • You can spend any number of additional power points to double the radii of the holes for every 2 points spent. This does not follow D&D's multiplication rule.
  • You can spend 4 additional power points to make the holes mobile. They can move up to 30' per round, at your telepathic command, provided you are within 25' of them (either one, since they are functionally in the same place).
  • You can spend 2 additional power points to prevent unattended gases from passing through the hole.
  • You can spend 3 additional power points to prevent magical and psionic energy such as spells or telepathy from passing through the hole.
  • You can spend 5 additional power points to prevent creatures from passing through the hole.
  • You can spend 2 additional power points to increase the duration to 1 minute per level, 6 additional power points to increase it to permanent, or 10 additional power points to increase it to instantaneous.

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Foxwarrior's Homebrew (781 Articles)
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AuthorFoxwarrior +
DescriptorTeleportation +
DisciplinePsychoportation +
Identifier3.5e Power +
LevelWorld Dominator 6 +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryMake a big portal from one place to another +
TitleStar Gate +