Stone Ring Gi (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 29th May 2020
Status: Complete
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Stone Ring Gi
Price: 3,200 GP
Body Slot: Body
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint Abjuration
Activation: None
Weight: 1.5 lbs

This specially fitted yellow gi is the specialty of the Stone Ring school. It is enhanced to provide protection against wounds and scrapes during training and from lethal attack outside of it. It is lightweight and designed for physical exercise.

An extremely well-made martial artist from the Stone Ring school, it is given to students upon attaining their red belt. The upper layer of clothing is made of a tough material and loose fitting while the under layer is a tight-fitted black uniform made of very lightweight material. The upper layer bears the symbol of the Stone Ring school to be proudly displayed. The stone ring gi is enhanced to provide protection against shock, converting 2 points of lethal physical damage into non-lethal damage when the wearer is struck. This conversion does not happen if the wearer is immune to non-lethal damage or if the attack was a touch attack. If the wearer is struck by a confirmed critical hit, the nonlethal conversion instead convert half the lethal damage dealt into non-lethal damage.

The gi itself count as a Masterwork Tool for Intimidate, Swim and Tumble. It is often paired with a pair of tight-fitted high quality durzite shoes. If worn by a Monk (or similar class), the Stone Ring Gi allows her to count as 2 levels higher for the purpose of determining her AC Bonus and Unarmored Speed Bonus.

The Stone Ring Gi can be enhanced as an armor, having a base armor bonus of +0. If enhanced, the gi converts an additional point of lethal damage to nonlethal damage per point of enhancement placed on it. Much like an armor, special qualities may also be placed on the gi. The stone ring gi does not count as an armor and does not interfere with class features.

Prerequisites: N/A.
Cost to Create: Unique item, cannot be created.

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AuthorLeziad +
Body SlotBody +
Cost3,200 GP +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA martial artist outfit which converts lethal damage to non-lethal damage or provides additional protection against non-lethal damage. +
TitleStone Ring Gi +