Sublime Marshal (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 1st September 2015
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Sublime Marshal

An improvement on the marshal class, which seriously suck. You gain a better bab, hit dice and martial maneuvers in exchange for your grant move action class feature.

Class: Marshal

Level: 1st, 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th

Replaces: Base Attack Bonus, Hit Dice, Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Grant Move Action

Benefit: You gain good base attack bonus (as fighter), your marshal hit dice increase to d10 and the bonus from her major aura become half of her class level Additionally you gain maneuvers known, readied and stance known as a Warblade[1], you have access to Devoted Spirit, Iron Heart and White Raven discipline and one additional discipline of their choice. You may recover all of your maneuvers as a move action, regaining them at the start of your next turn.

Additionally a sublime marshal gain the following class features:

Specialized Discipline: A 1st level sublime marshal choose between Devoted Spirit, Iron Heart and White Raven. She gain a +1 bonus on the DC and may use her Charisma to determine the DC of maneuvers from the chosen discipline, she also gain a bonus as detailed below:

Devoted Spirit: Choose one alignment (chaotic, evil, good, or law). The sublime marshal gains smite (alignment) as a paladin equal to her class level.

Iron Heart: You gain weapon focus as a bonus feat, you count your marshal level as fighter level for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of feats.

White Raven: Once per round you may aid another as a free action.

Bonus Feat: At 1st level, 5rd, and each 3 level thereafter the sublime marshal gain one of the following feat as a bonus feat: Endurance, Negotiator, Skill Focus or Weapon Focus.

Aura of Bravery: A 4th level sublime marshal become immune to [fear] and all allies within 30 ft. of her reroll any failed saving throw against [fear] effects.

Thunderous Command Stance: At 8th level the sublime marshal gain a special martial stance, when you assume this stance you may decide to radiate an additional minor aura (chosen when the stance is assumed). This is effectively a 4th level stance.

Field Commander Stance: At 12th level the sublime marshal gain a special martial stance, all her allies with 4 HD or less than her automatically fall under the effect of greater heroism as long as they have line of sight with her and for 1 minute afterward. All other allies gain the effect of heroism instead. This is effectively a 6th level stance.

Masterful Tactician: A 16th level sublime marshal may as an immediate action have any allies other than herself reroll a single d20 roll, taking the best result.

Legendary Thunders: A 20th level sublime marshal now project an additional major in addition to her additional minor aura when she is in the Thunderous Command Stance, which become effectively a 9th level stance.


  1. Tome of Battle

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Leziad's Homebrew (4522 Articles)
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorLeziad +
ClassMarshal +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryAn improvement on the marshal class, which seriously suck. You gain a better bab, hit dice and martial maneuvers in exchange for your grant move action class feature. +
TitleSublime Marshal +