Swamp of the Underworld (3.5e Spell)
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Transmutation [Earth] | |
Level: | Druid 7, Sorcerer/Wizard 7 |
Components: | V, S, M |
Casting time: | 1 standard action |
Range: | Close (25 ft. plus 5 ft./2 levels) |
Effect or Area: | 30-ft.-radius spread |
Duration: | 1 minute/level |
Saving Throw: | Reflex negates, Fortitude negates or none; see text |
Spell Resistance: | No |
When you cast this spell, you create a roiling swamp in the designated location. All ground consisting of earth, plains, sand, forests, and even solid rock within a 30-foot-radius area immediately loses solidity and become muddy and suffused with rank liquid. Any earthen ground starts bubbling and vomiting cloying swamp gas into the air that sickens and forces those in the area to make a Fortitude save at the beginning of each turn or become nauseated for one round. The area of the swamp counts as difficult terrain.
Furthermore, upon entering or starting its turn within the area of this spell, or simply being present when the swamp takes effect, a creature must immediately make a Reflex save or sink knee-deep in the swamp.
When knee-deep in the swamp, a creature's land speed is reduced to 10 feet, and it must succeed on a DC 20 Strength or Escape Artist check to pull itself back out as a standard action. Failing the check by more than 5 points means that the creature's flailing about will only make it sink quicker, immediately rendering it waist-deep instead. If the creature ends its turn knee-deep in the swamp, it must immediately make a Reflex save or sink waist-deep.
When waist-deep in the swamp, a creature can only move 5 feet in a round as a full-round action. It may still perform actions such as attacks with its upper body, but does so as if effectively prone. It must succeed on a DC 25 Strength or Escape Artist check to pull itself back out to being knee-deep as a standard action. Failing the check by more than 5 points will cause the creature to sink deeper instead, to neck-deep. If the creature ends its turn waist-deep in the swamp, it must immediately make a Reflex save or sink neck-deep.
When neck-deep in the swamp, a creature is effectively immobilized and helpless against attacks, but can still talk, and possibly cast spells with the Still Spell metamagic, as well as other things that require only a head to do, like perform a gaze attack. It must succeed on a DC 30 Strength or Escape Artist check to pull itself back out to being waist-deep as a full-round action. Failing the check by more than 5 points will cause the creature to be submerged completely and start suffocating.
When completely submerged, a creature takes 2d6 points of damage every round.
To escape the swamp, aside from the above, a creature may employ any of the following strategies:
- A creature that can fly gets a +1 circumstance bonus to any saves and checks against the swamp's effects per 10 feet of flight speed it has, to a maximum of +10, as long as it is no more than waist-deep.
- A creature may enlist the aid of others. One or more allies standing safely on the bank may use a rope to aid in pulling the creature out. Doing so, allies may help as per the aid another rules, adding a +2 circumstance bonus per extra head and allowing the main aid to use their Strength or Use Rope check to try and pull the creature out of the swamp.
- A creature may forestall sinking further by not moving at all. When not moving or performing any actions that require physical motions, it makes its end of turn Reflex save at a +10 circumstance bonus. This bonus also applies to checks made by allies attempting to pull the creature out.
The swamp can be rendered solid again with a casting of transmute mud to rock, though any creatures partially or fully immersed within it will have to be dug out (+10 to any appropriate checks).
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Article Balance | High + |
Author | Sulacu + |
Component | V +, S + and M + |
Descriptor | Earth + |
Identifier | 3.5e Spell + |
Level | Druid 7 + and Sorcerer/Wizard 7 + |
Range | Other + |
Rating | Undiscussed + |
School | Transmutation + |
Summary | Turns dirt and rock into a rank bog that suctions everybody under. + |
Title | Swamp of the Underworld + |