Sword Sharp (5e Campaign Setting)/Geography and Environment

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Geography in sword sharp[edit]

in sword sharp instead of continents there is 9 realms, with 1# being at the top left, 2# being at the top, 3# being at the top right, 4# being at the left and so on

One main difference from earth is magical terrain for example, in a magical desert dust mephits would have a higher concentration of dust mephits , it would not rain 5 days out of the the 400 days in a year yet still be a desert and finally (but not all of them) it wouldn't feel dry at all and the sand is fertile

noteable states in sword sharp[edit]

the imperial empire[edit]

A monarchist-fascist empire lead by King Nicholas IX it covers a lot of the northeast material plane. The Impereal empire is known for two things it's powerful army and its imperialism