From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Foxwarrior opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
Giving all your enemies a -2/-4 and 15%/30% failure rate on everything they would do in combat as a move action, with immunity being converted to a +4 bonus on a check the Battle Juggernaut cannot fail because his numbers are so high, would make this unreasonably powerful at Very High.
ErikOfWiki opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
I dislike Opposing something just on the basis of it totally missing the mark on balance as this class is too strong even for Very High. Usually I can find something of value to merit knocking the rating to just a Dislike. But here if you take away everything broken and badly written you just have a barbarian Paladin gestalt without spells or a special mount. I don’t find the value over just having the space afforded by it not existing.