Talk:Biotic Maintenance (3.5e Maneuver)

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RatedDislike.png Renshae dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4.
This is frankly way too strong. The fast healing this provides is comparable to angels and hydras with 8+ heads. Even if it were cut in half to only half your initiator level, it would still be by FAR the best source of fast healing available to players that I know of. A much higher amount, constantly active, with no limitations, and doesn't cost any resources or actions once you're in the stance. It's just way too much.

I disagree with your reasoning... but haven't decided where that puts my vote. Really, I think fast healing equal to your level is only a tiny bit better than fast healing 1. Fast healing 1 as a stance would give you unlimited out of combat healing, which is one of those things that people try (and fail, because they forget about wands of lessor vigor or wands of cure light wounds) to put limits on, but in order to get in combat healing that's actually enough that enemies would have to change their tactics to adapt, you'd need a lot more than 1 per level. Maybe three or four times as much. So complaining about the amount of fast healing you get from this stance doesn't make much sense to me. --Foxwarrior (talk) 17:51, 3 June 2024 (UTC)